Monday, October 20, 2014

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg Brief Bio - 1711-1787 - Hannover, Germany

Henry Muhlenberg, Muhlenberg, Hannover, Germany, Pennsylvania Ministerium, Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, 1711-1787,

Henry Melchior Muhlenberg    1711-1787

From Hannover, Germany
Motto: Planting the Church
Supported by nobles in the homeland
Spent two months in England and learned English
Affiliated with the Anglican church
Given a letter of call from Halle University to join Georgia Lutherans (Saltzburg)
Eventually left Georgia to go to Pennsylvania
                                Arrived in Pennsylvania 1742 from Halle, Germany
Called to serve three congregations: New Hannover, Philadephia, and the Trappe
                The Sheep Dog of the Colonial Church

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